


Mantras are appeals to Buddhas, sacred utterances, numinous sounds, prayers or a combination of all. Mantras are essential for Vajrayana practice in such an important way that adepts often refer to the practice as “mantra vehicle” or “secret mantra vehicle”. Mantras repetition is not just an externalization of sounds but, first of all, an act meant to awaken the cognitive potential of those who meditate. Focus on mantras meaning and embrace their converting power allow those who meditate to awake their inner potential.The Mantra collection represents a special Tamashii® serie. The stones are intertwined with authentic oriental wood grains (hua-qi-nanmu) engraved and painted by hand.

The use of mantras is central to the practice of Vajrayana

"Mantras are invocations to Buddhas, spells, prayers or a combination of all of these. Tantric practitioners repeat them in order to form a karmic connection between themselves and the deities of meditation, and to effect a cognitive restructuring through internalization. of the divine attributes represented by the mantra"

The repetition of the mantra is not simply an external activity in which sounds are vocalized; it is primarily an act intended to awaken the cognitive potential of the meditator. By focusing on the meaning of mantras as explained by the guru and opening up to their transforming power, meditators awaken their own latent potential for awakening.

Mantra Ocean Agate

Mantra Ocean Agate

This agate represents the color of ocean water and the blue of sky, very important for the Tibetan culture and it means purity, wisdom and peace. This particular shade of blue gives to this...
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Mantra Onyx

Mantra Onyx

Black stone par excellence, the Onyx is utilized from combatants monks to instill courage and self-esteem. Black color for the Buddhism represents also the humans primordial darkness, hate and...
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Mantra Amethyst

Mantra Amethyst

Purple natural stone, the amethyst is called also humility stone often utilized in the buddhist practices to help during changing and inner growing phases.The Tamashii in amethyst calms ...
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Mantra Grey Cracked Agate

Mantra Grey Cracked Agate

Grey natural stone with black veining and warm nuances. It's used as shape more precious of Tamashii made by little stones and having the same importance, in relation with ground...
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Mantra Blue Sky Agate

Mantra Blue Sky Agate

The light blue agate rapresents the sky color. In this particular case the tone of sky gives to this Tamashii an aspect more and more divine and  noble.
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Mantra Yellow Agate

Mantra Yellow Agate

Yellow is one of five basic colors in Buddhism, represented from Buddha Ratnasambhava such a promoter of changing, where pride turns to wisdom. Saffron yellow is the color of monks and means take...
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Mantra Fire Agate

Mantra Fire Agate

This is the closest tone to red fire color, synonym of bravery, vigour and energy. Just a high priest can wear this color because it need an elevate control otherwise it could become...
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Mantra Red Agate

Mantra Red Agate

Red in Buddhism is the color of rituals and strong actions, passion, power and sacrum. It needs of high selfcontrol because it could be dangerous. Red is the color that defines the border between...
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Mantra Pink Quartz

Mantra Pink Quartz

Pink in the Buddhist world is the color of the lotus flower or rather illumination and spiritual regeneration. It has deep and powerful meanings, such as spiritual growth, resurrection...
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Mantra Hematite

Mantra Hematite

Black natural stone of iron origin, it can be red if made in dust. This metamorphosis gives to this stone mysterious characteristics relationed to blood. In ancient traditions it was used to front...
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Mantra Carnelian

Mantra Carnelian

Carnelian is a stone in shades yellow and bright red, the same colors that depict the Gautama Buddha. In tibetan culture it is synonimum of conservation of dynamic force made of usefulness...
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Mantra Blue Agate

Mantra Blue Agate

Blue is the more important color in Buddhism, more than Gold. It represents the ascension, wisdom, true, devotion, faith, purity, castity, peace, the spiritual and intellectual way. Blue Tamashii...
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Mantra Moss Agate

Mantra Moss Agate

Yellow-green natural stone tending to dark green and associated to the Buddha Amoghasiddhi that long for success, richness and power. Its multi-colored tones could represent ambition without...
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Mantra White Agate

Mantra White Agate

White natural stone that represents purity, white as color of rest and meditation: in buddhism its Buddha is called Vairochana. Tamashii in white agate turns the illusion of ignorance into...
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Mantra Green Agate

Mantra Green Agate

Agate is a natural stone with lots colorations. In this case, the green represents nature, the trees and plants. It identifies qualities as poise and harmony, youth energy and action. Tamashii in...
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Mantra Turquoise

Mantra Turquoise

Natural stone colored in light blue tending to green, the turquoise combines the esoteric meaning of this two colors and it is utilized in the buddhist esotericism.Green for the buddhist ...
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