BkraShi Bracelets

BkraShi Bracelets

BkraShi Bracelets

Tamashii® "bkra shi" is a special collection of amulets-bracelets made of natural onyx stones treated with ancient manual techniques to create drawings and symbolic figures. These signs, inspired by the oldest Buddhist tradition, the Nyingmapa (rÑing-ma-pa, "[lineage] of ancients"), express simple and primitive, yet very powerful, concepts, so much to be still widespread throughout the East, from India to Japan and in particular way in China. Tradition has it that each symbol corresponds to a classical tantra to reinforce or pursue the principles of Buddhist philosophy.

The drawings and symbolic figures found in the "bkra shi", inspired by the most ancient Buddhist tradition, the Nyingmapa (rÑing-ma-pa, "[lineage] of the ancients"), express simple and primitive concepts but at the same time very powerful, so much so that they are still widespread throughout the East.

Tradition provides that each symbol corresponds to a supporting force to the classical tantras to reinforce or pursue the principles of Buddhist philosophy.

BkraShi - Wisdom

BkraShi - Wisdom

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "WISDOM" is made with traditional hand technique.One size, unisex (the bracelet can fit...
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BkraShi - Safety

BkraShi - Safety

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "SAFETY" is made with traditional hand technique.One size, unisex (the bracelet can fit...
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BkraShi - Intelligence

BkraShi - Intelligence

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "INTELLIGENCE" is made with traditional hand technique.One size, unisex (the bracelet can...
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BkraShi - Positivity

BkraShi - Positivity

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "POSITIVITY" is made with traditional hand technique.Positivity is one of the values more...
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BkraShi - Bravery

BkraShi - Bravery

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "BRAVERY" is made with traditional hand technique.Every one of us is called to a personal...
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BkraShi - Health

BkraShi - Health

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "HEALTH" is made with traditional hand technique.Health research is one of the best known...
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BkraShi - Prosperity

BkraShi - Prosperity

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "JOY" is made with traditional hand technique.Sexuality for buddhism has very high...
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BkraShi - Joy

BkraShi - Joy

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "JOY" is made with traditional hand technique.Joy for buddhism, unlike us westeners, has...
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BkraShi - Protection

BkraShi - Protection

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "PROTECTION" is made with traditional hand technique. For buddhists, the abilityto...
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BkraShi - Serenity

BkraShi - Serenity

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "SERENITY" is made with traditional hand technique.Serenity concept, in the buddhist...
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BkraShi - Respect

BkraShi - Respect

Tamashii BkraShi Special Series (Symbolism) realized with natural stones ONYX. The symbol meaning "RESPECT" is made with traditional hand technique.Respect concept, in the Buddhist...
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